Riddle #659

Question: A man goes into a barbershop and gets a $15 haircut. He pays the barber with a $20 bill, but the barber doesn't have change because it is an especially slow day. The barber goes to the flower shop next to his own and trades the $20 bill for a $10 dollar bill and two $5 bills. Then he gives the man his $5 in change.

Later the lady from the flower shop confronts the barber and tells him that the $20 bill he gave her was counterfeit. The barber agrees and he gives the lady a different $20 bill.

Later that day he tries to figure out how much money he lost. What did he lose?

Riddle Discussion

By: eliteninja72 on 29/9/14

This is assuming that giving away a haircut isn't losing money.

By: Hugibear on 30/12/13

I think he lost $20($5 he gave the man and $15 for the haircut)

By: Ant on 23/12/13

check his pockets

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