The impossible riddle ever solved

Question: It's the beginning of the universe and the end of every place. It's the beginning of Everything and the end of every race. What am I?

Riddle Discussion

By: Heedrix on 1/12/16

Im going to have to agree with Newatth.

By: Rav3nClaw101 on 24/11/16

the capitalized "E" on 'Everything' gave it a way

By: newatth1s on 27/6/16

the word universe starts with the letter 'u' so the answer 'letter E' does not apply to 'the beginning of the universe' - maybe it's 'the end of the universe':-)

By: nashlover007 on 13/6/16

letter E

By: Autismspeaks2day on 19/2/16

The letter E.

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