I can bring tears to your eyes

Question: I can bring tears to your eyes; resurrect the dead, make you smile, and reverse time. I form in an instant but I last a life time. What am I?

Riddle Discussion

By: imanzee02 on 21/11/16

i really like this \n

By: Rosy on 16/4/16

i like this riddle, but memorys cant resurect the dead, its a kinda metphor thing, but they cant really, so sorry but this dosent really count

By: Autismspeaks2day on 17/2/16

A memory.

By: Marcio84 on 4/2/16


By: Hectic713 on 15/12/15

The sun.

By: SpaceUnicorn0355 on 11/12/15

this is a good one, and i almost thought of an onion! :P

By: AngelaKing101 on 5/12/15

When i saw this riddle i thought it would be "GOD". But it isn't. :(

By: simpleman951 on 23/8/15

Over-trusting a fart.

By: AngelaKing101 on 5/12/15

What do you mean by "Over-trusting a fart"?

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